♠ Posted by Unknown in Know your tax concession,Real Estate Regulatory Bill at 6:16 PM
Every one including the media reports opine the real estate
sector to be more organized and structured. They all feel that the newly
proposed Real Estate Regulation and Development Bill will do the job. According
to media the real estate needs to be more transparent and more organized with
the need of eradicating or lessening the degree of corruption now prevalent in
the realty sector. There are of course reasons for such opinion. In places like
Mumbai the realtors remark that they can sell the property and homes at half or one third of the price if there is lesser corruption involved in getting the clearances and approvals.
There would be lesser delay as well in completing the projects if that was the
case. Thus the media reports say that
transparency would of course increase the buyers’ confidence and would help the
sector in a big way.
newly proposed Real Estate Regulatory Bill would usher in the much needed
transparency in the sector opines the realtors and the top officials of the renowned
real estate companies. They remark that real estate has to be treated at par
with the companies of the other industries too. The real estate firms and companies also should receive the
structural institutional finance that the other industry companies get. This
will help the industry with more liquidity and increase the cash flow. The
realtors feel that if the new bill or the new Real estate regulatory bill makes
that happen the realtors would certainly support it. Talking about their point
of objection the realtors opined that the penalty provisions of the bill mostly
accuses the developers and the promoters leaving the other stake holders. They
further state that if the bill proposes in a way that it blames all the stake
holders in an equitable manner they won’t have any objections. But looking at
the problematic areas and the bottlenecks of the realty sector, if the proposed
bill attempts to remove them then there is no reason why they won’t support it.
TGS Layouts sales sizable residential plots in different sites of Bangalore at a very affordable price and with all amenities that required for day to day living. These land are approved by the concerned authorities and can be bought for investment as well as residential purpose.
TGS Layouts sales sizable residential plots in different sites of Bangalore at a very affordable price and with all amenities that required for day to day living. These land are approved by the concerned authorities and can be bought for investment as well as residential purpose.
Real Estate Regulatory Bill brings the more transparent in the real estate market. If more transparency in the deal will increase the customer confidence he will shows the interest to invest in real estate and it boost the Reality market transactions.
This regulatory is strong and totally different from previous land acquisition bills. It will bring, the more transparency in and reduces the corruption for getting the approvals and etc. When corruption reduces there is no more delay in completion of the projects.
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